Animated Christmas Card
We get all sorts of requests, and turn down the ones that don't fit our strengths. We hadn't made an animated Christmas card before, but...
RIA choices+ Creating opportunities
These videos were put together as part of bit sized learning modules on how to improve the mealtime experience in long term care...
RIA choices+ Enjoyment
These videos were put together as part of bit sized learning modules on how to improve the mealtime experience in long term care...
RIA choices+ Identity
These videos were put together as part of bit sized learning modules on how to improve the mealtime experience in long term care...
RIA choices+ Offering support
These videos were put together as part of bit sized learning modules on how to improve the mealtime experience in long term care...
Choices+ Honoring dignity
These videos were put together as part of bit sized learning modules on how to improve the mealtime experience in long term care...
Choices+ Connecting
These videos were put together as part of bit sized learning modules on how to improve the mealtime experience in long term care...
Teachers and Writers
Every video is an opportunity to throw out your old ideas and make something different, based on what that project needs. This video...
Aging and Eating RIA 3M
Working with Dialectic and the Research Institute on Aging we were tasked with explaining the main findings of recent research. We put...
The difference between sequencing and genotyping
We love digging into complex subject matter and especially medical science videos. This project with MicroMattie Consulting and Sanford...